April 21, 2012

How did that Happen?

So I'll be brave enough to admit that I've spent a small little bit of time on studying Pick-Up Artisty, or in other words, seduction techniques. I mean, if theres tips for looking professional, or presenting a speech, or presenting yourself more or less intimidating, or any other "learned" social behavior, then theres gotta be ways to improve your dating game too.

On a Friday night I had gotten ready to put my plans into motion, after having testing out some thing I learned in the field. I was supposed to go to a show with this one chick, but she flaked and didn't answer the texts. However, I still wanted to make something happen. I texted the girl who flaked that I was on the way to a spot in Venice with another girl, and of course she responds suddenly saying she was napping. Yeah Right.

At the Venice show, which in reality I went by myself, my self-awareness was high. I was so aware of my body language, and eye contact that I was able to establish an "all the girls here want my cock" kind of atitude.

Then, somehow, I was dancing and just having fun, and girls tried to grab my attention, and by the end of the night I had a good convo and grabbed a number.

But yo, that like, never happens for me. Usually clubs are just a overstimulating atmosphere where I neither dance like I want to, nor get me some like I want to. I'll admit, my club game isn't on point, and possibly for a number of reasons, but I want to find out why and change that so I can still go out and have fun.

I was just glad that, for the first time in a long time, I didn't end up driving home pissed off.

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