March 17, 2012


Alright so this has been a good week. I got so much I wanna say but not enough time. Still making steps forward at my internship, but I got a correction that I'm taking too many steps forward? what? a hater move or advice? I was told I was being too corporate and needed to relax, both with my cordial vernacular as well as my dress code. I heard that I was going around networking too hard and not committing to my department, that I was being too aggressive with trying to branch out to do other things, but, hey, I'm not graduating yet, I'm not getting paid, so I was just tryin to do my thang.

But I get it, I need to keep in mind the goal of simply being a likeable person so people can remember me and be willing to allow me to use them as a reference. To relax and be myself instead of being an uptight corporate robot so that people can get to know me and even trust me more for who I am instead of putting on this facade. So I came back with a little more swag: lost the tie and the corporate shoes, talked in a more relaxed, yet fun tone. Stopped being such a tool, but still not being a douche, and not being so nervous about my impression, but rather being in touch with a confidence that I got it under control, but humbly wearing an awareness that I'm still not perfect and am open to improvements and corrections.

I had a meeting with marketing this morning that went awesome, met with an account executive in a different department, talked to numerous people in my department, am helping to coordinate a focus group, met with some people at HR so now they know me by name, am planning to meet with more people, have sat in at all the intern events and shaking hands with all the speakers, forwarded interesting articles to my bosses, made team efforts with fellow interns, had lunch with the research department which was fucking delicious, have been learning a lot about my department, and honestly, may consider coming back to this company.

At first I was competitive with other interns, but I realized, it's better for me to be really nice and take advantage of the chance to show good teamwork skills, instead of giving a could shoulder and seeming like a dick. The only person I'm competing with is myself.

I also got a correction that all these things I'm doing is fine, I just need to be more smooth about it. So this week my goal is to communicate more with my supervisor, to be more committed to my department, and to go above and beyond, without seeming like I'm trying so hard to go above and beyond.

Like Kanye said "Cause when you try hard, that's when you die hard"

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