January 08, 2012


This would have been first job out of the 12 I've worked, that I actually get promoted at. Last week the bosses turned my promotion down because I'm late all the time. They used the word tardy this time around. When I got written up, and the word tardy was repeated, it echoed through my life and brought back memories of detention, meetings with the principal, extracurricular witholdings, being denied entry, cancelled interviews, missed scenes, bad looks from "on-timers", getting kicked out of programs, pink slips I had to run from one office to another, tardy sweeps where they held us in rooms for hours doing not jack shit instead of being in class, phone calls to my parents, and missed opportunities.

Being the rebel I am, I wrote "Better late than never, but never late is better" on the write-up sheet.


I'm not disrespectful of your time. If it comes off that way, I apologize. You see I'm just one of those people that always comes late no matter how hard I try. I mean, I can keep up a good streak for like 4 weeks, but that's a record in itself right there. Every single school, job, class, whatever, I was always late. Always.

I can even remember the voice of my teachers and counselors in grade school and middle school giving me shit about being late, even though I was always smarter than the slow fucks in the rest of my classes.

I really should get it together but I don't know how. I already tried all of the "tricks". There's really no trick to it other than time management. My Dad was always late to everything, maybe I got it from him.

Who knows and what does it matter. All I know is that if I continue being late to everything, I'm going to get nowhere. I really want to change this, but shit, I walked in late again.

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